Digital Authentication Technology

John Jacobs Studio is the first (and presently the only) gallery to offer the very latest and the most secure digital authentication technology available.

We are working closely with a blockchain technology company that has invented a method of cryptographically connecting a physical artwork directly to the blockchain.

This works via a digital certificate of authenticity or a "Provenance Card" that will go together with an artwork.  Inside this card is a small NFC microchip that is directly connected to an NFT.   This microchip can also be embedded directly in the artwork (see the two videos above about the "Gold Baby").

NFT = Non-Fungible Token. These are digital assets recorded on a blockchain.  (see more about NFTs below.)

NFC = Near Field Communication. This is the same technology used by credit cards for contactless payments.

When you scan this card (or the artwork with an embedded chip) with a smartphone it will automatically link you to its unique NFT with the ownership records and digital provenance of the artwork. Including multiple photographs, digitised documentation and sometimes extra content supplied by the artist.

Simply put, half of the certificate of authenticity is on the microchip and half is on the blockchain.  And the connection between them is "un-hackable" and independent of a central database.

The "Provenance Card" - digital certificate of authenticity registered on the blockchain.

Essentially it impossible to steal or forge an artwork that has this Provenance Card or embedded chip.

(You cannot fake the provenance card and only the registered owner of the card can pass the ownership onwards via the blockchain.)

While there are a couple of similar technologies available this is the only one to have "post-quantum" encryption (un-hackable even by a quantum computer) and is truly decentralised (others tend to have a central database).

If you are an artist that would like to use this technology for your artworks please also contact us.

We are also working on other projects based on this technology:

For example: a wedding ring with an NFC microchip inside it to record the history of weddings that the ring has been through.  Learn more on Adam Clark gallery page.

This microchip can also be added to bespoke watches to ensure authenticity of the watchmaker and record ownership details of the watch.  John Jacobs Studio has secured a top British watchmaker that can add this chip into their watches.   They build the watch from scratch including the mechanism and we can create a bespoke design for you. The watchmaker will be revealed on enquiry.

Enquiries to Toby Jacobs: +44 (0) 7973 530 777


NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are simply unique parcels of information (around 50MB) that have been embedded into a blockchain. This could be images, music, video, writings, a representation of something, legal documents, or even just a concept.

Mostly NFTs as we know them are digital artworks that have been registered on a blockchain.

Being an NFT on a blockchain provides irrefutable evidence of a digital artwork's creation and its every transfer between owners.

A blockchain is simply a computer
program that runs on multiple computers around the world. It acts as a ledger, keeping track of who has what and how much. Basically a decentralised personal bank account. Then cryptocurrency is the money in your bank account and NFTs are the assets.

Now with this new technology of connecting a physical artwork to an NFT we are effectively creating a  "physical NFT" (or PNFT) and it becomes a physical asset stored in your crypto wallet.

Check out this other excellent guide to NFTs:



“Proof of humanity” in a world of AI

A social media platform with an unstoppable network infrastructure and unique “proof of humanity” blockchain.

De-centralised, De-scammerised and De-hackerised 

“The most trusted network ever to be created”

In a world of AI we now have counterfeit humans and scammers using voice and image deepfakes that make it impossible to tell if you are dealing with a real person or even the person you think it is.

Furthermore it is now accepted that within a short few years 99% of the internet will be AI generated. We need an alternative “freedom” internet that is for humans only!

ENTIFY has a simple, elegant and foolproof system that solves this problem immediately and perhaps forever into the future.


A social media platform with its own network infrastructure and unique “proof of humanity” blockchain.

The ENTINET is build upon the ENTIFY protocol. This is the lightest, fastest, most secure and scaleable blockchain ever created. It is the first blockchain to integrate a cryptographic link to each individual user thereby proving a trusted network without the need to create trust via proof of work or proof of stake etc. We call this “proof of humanity”.

The ENTINET will have its own independent mobile phone infrastructure based upon our unique smartphone - the ENTIFONE. This is a radio mesh network and each ENTIFONE connects directly to each other so no mobile phone masts are required! Each ENTIFONE is registered to a user via a unique NFT on ENTIFY protocol.

The ENTINET social media platform is only accessed through the ENTIFONE and by creating your own unique NFT attached to an ID card. This is the basis for “proof of humanity” and is the only way we can distinguish from “counterfeit humans” as AI improves. To further ensure the user is an honourable individual their unique NFT ID card will include a recording of them speaking an oath declaring such. This is a carefully researched oath and is essentially modelled on the “affidavit of status”. We are calling this the “sovereign oath”.


1) The idENTIFY card. “Proof of Humanity” is done via a unique system of connecting a single real human to an NFT on the blockchain. Each user has an ID card with an NFC chip inside (like the contactless payment system of credit cards) and this chip has an encrypted connection to an NFT (a unique token on a blockchain). When you create an account on the ENTIFY network, this card (the idENTIFY card) becomes your unique identity. This cannot be hacked and only a single real human can hold and operate this card. This is completely decentralised as the connection is only between the card and the NFT and does not require the internet to work.

2) The ENTINET Social Media Network. Only idENTIFY card holders can use the network hence there can be no bots or fake accounts - only real humans. But furthermore we can also “ensure” that each card holder is an honourable human - not a scammer! This is done by creating a voiceprint of the user that is stored on the idENTIFY card. This voiceprint will be an “oath of honour”essentially modelled on the “affidavit of status” that has been researched by our legal history experts.

3) ENTIFY blockchain. Now that we have a network of proven and trusted users, we can use this to create a new type of blockchain. This trust, created by the idENTIFY card, we call “Proof of Humanity” and we can use this to create the lightest, fastest and most scalable blockchain ever created that will run on a smartphone.

4) The ENTIFONE alternative communication and internet.  To make a truly decentralised blockchain the infrastructure also needs to be decentralised. The ENTIFONE is a completely new and independent smartphone. Each phone connects to each other via a radio mesh network, so no other infrastructure is required and nothing can shut the network down. So each phone is its own node on the network and not only that, each phone will be its own node on the ENTIFY blockchain. This will make ENTIFY the most decentralised blockchain ever to be created. The ENTIFONE will have a one-off payment for complete ownership and then all calls and internet are free.

(Healthy phone: low frequency radio, black and white/green shift colours, privacy, full ownership - no contracts, free calls, free internet and use of services, free-energy battery (crystal power cell - yes this is real!) …)

Please get in touch if this project is of interest to you!

Enquiries to Toby Jacobs: +44 (0) 7973 530 777 

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